facebookWhat is your view on taking up personal loan of 10K for 2.88% 2yrs to have cashflow for renovations & purchase of furniture and appliances? Any suggestion? Would you take loan to ease cashflow? - Seedly



21 Mar 2024


What is your view on taking up personal loan of 10K for 2.88% 2yrs to have cashflow for renovations & purchase of furniture and appliances? Any suggestion? Would you take loan to ease cashflow?

Single income. Tight cashflow.

Discussion (17)

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If necessary, why not. I won't take loan to buy furniture and appliances, usually there is no urgency to buy those thing.

If tight cashflow, will you have the means to repay in future? If not, may be better to save up and buy later if not urgent

Chong Qi Hui

6d ago

Real Estate & Investment | Facebook Page at https://bit.ly/FBpageQH

Just renovate what you can afford

I think the first step is to reduce your renovation requirements to the minimum. a lot of things are...

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