facebookWhat is the single most effective piece of financial advice you’ve ever received? - Seedly



18 Apr 2019


What is the single most effective piece of financial advice you’ve ever received?

What is the single most effective piece of financial advice you have ever received? Based on that piece of advice, it has changed the way you manage your finances and set you on the path that you are on today?

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12 Dec 2018

Undergraduate at National University of Singapore

Every dollar counts! Since then, I've been trying to stretch every dollar which includes making smarter financial and purchase decisions and switching my savings account.


Dyodd (do your own due diligence)! That means to do your own research before you make any financial decisions! By doing this, it reduces the chances of making mistakes that can cost (literally and figuratively)!

Devanshi Singh

12 Dec 2018

Investment Planner, Writer, Adviser at Financial Advisory Services

My mother saves money in every way possible but her motive is not to just save money but to have a m...

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