facebookWhat is the primary purpose of having emergency funds? Like what are the complete list of things that these emergency funds are supposed to cover during rainy days? (Mind listing them out?) - Seedly



13 Nov 2023



What is the primary purpose of having emergency funds? Like what are the complete list of things that these emergency funds are supposed to cover during rainy days? (Mind listing them out?)

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Besides the daily / monthly necessities, Emergency Funds can also be useful for examples like sudden illness, weddings gifting, birthdays & anniversaries celebrations and gifting, hosting friends and relatives visiting from overseas, "white gold" money for funeral wakes etc ...


15 Nov 2023

FIRE Retirement Enthusiast at SGMoneyMatters.com

For me I want my emergency funds to cover food, bills, medical related stuff, household expenses, insurance, parents allowance and occasional guilty pleasure... But if I expect to be unemployed for let's say 12 months and I only have 6 months worth of funds saved up, then I gotta give up the less necessary things...


14 Nov 2023

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

You decide to go on a round-the-world trip for 3-6 months xP...

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