facebookWhat is the most tax-efficient way to invest in a small-cap US or global ETF as a Singapore resident? - Seedly


What is the most tax-efficient way to invest in a small-cap US or global ETF as a Singapore resident?

I am interested in including small cap US or globally focused ETFs in my portfolio. What is the most tax-efficient way for investing in them? I do not want to buy them from the US market as the dividend tax rate is 30 percent. What tax-efficient ETFs focused on small-cap US or global stocks can I invest in?

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If you want to go for tax efficient way, most ppl go to Irish domiciled ETF, but you have limited choice. VUSA, SPX5, CSPX, IUSA for US stocks. For global stocks, IWDA, VWRA are most popular for Singaporean.

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