facebookWhat is the market concentration of Robo advisory platforms like in Singapore? Who are the main players in terms of client base and AUM? What are the main barriers to entry for a new competitor? - Seedly


Tiago Lannes

18 Apr 2019



What is the market concentration of Robo advisory platforms like in Singapore? Who are the main players in terms of client base and AUM? What are the main barriers to entry for a new competitor?

Interested to know more about the Robo Advisory market

AMA Investment Moats

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1) stashaway
2) autowealth
3) smartly

There are also bigger boys coming into the fray now like fsm.

HC Tang

17 Sep 2018

Financial Enthusiast, Budgeting at The Society

Read about the main players, client base, AUM even back test at:



More info and review by existing customer at seedly product review:



The robo advisory market here is still rather in its infancy stage, as they only started out last ye...

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