facebookWhat is the hedging strategy for Dasin Retail REIT since it collects rental in RMB and pay out the distribution income in SGD? - Seedly



23 Sep 2020


What is the hedging strategy for Dasin Retail REIT since it collects rental in RMB and pay out the distribution income in SGD?

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As shared by Dasin Retail Trust during the live session, Dasin Retail Trust (“DRT”) intends to be a long-term investor in China, as such, it has taken a view not to hedge the RMB equity exposure arising from its investments in PRC unless certain risks are specifically identified.

DRT’s strategy is to achieve a natural hedge through local RMB financing and any non-RMB denominated loan will be hedged into RMB if required, to protect the going concern of DRT in the event of large currency fluctuations.

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