Stashaway simple account invests in money market funds, you can read more on it online. To sum up Stashaway simple is just a low-risk investment that provides an average return of estimated 1.9%.
36% portfolio invests deeply into equities and will be much more volatile. You mentioned a lump sum of money so I assume you will keep watching the amount which can heavily affect your mental health and cause you to make bad decisions.
My suggestion will be for you to decide how much of the lump sum you do not wish to possibly lose and park them in Stashaway Simple for the est. 1.9%. Subsequently you can invest the rest in the 36% however keep in mind that it is much more volatile and the chance of losing your money in 36% is much much higher than putting it in Stashaway Simple.
Do read up more on both portfolio and form a plan!
Stashaway simple account invests in money market funds, you can read more on it online. To sum up Stashaway simple is just a low-risk investment that provides an average return of estimated 1.9%.
36% portfolio invests deeply into equities and will be much more volatile. You mentioned a lump sum of money so I assume you will keep watching the amount which can heavily affect your mental health and cause you to make bad decisions.
My suggestion will be for you to decide how much of the lump sum you do not wish to possibly lose and park them in Stashaway Simple for the est. 1.9%. Subsequently you can invest the rest in the 36% however keep in mind that it is much more volatile and the chance of losing your money in 36% is much much higher than putting it in Stashaway Simple.
Do read up more on both portfolio and form a plan!