facebookWhat is the deposit amount that is protected in a Saxo trading account? I understand for US based brokers the deposit protection is up to US$250k under FDIC insurance in case of broker bankruptcy. Any advice? - Seedly


What is the deposit amount that is protected in a Saxo trading account? I understand for US based brokers the deposit protection is up to US$250k under FDIC insurance in case of broker bankruptcy. Any advice?

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For the Singapore branch

75000 SGD cash should be SDIC protected.



08 Sep 2020

Youtuber at Google (Channel : Say Do Invest)

The website states 3000 SGD to deposit.

But actually there is no minimum amount.

I have made in depth videos on this topic actually.

But to answer your question, the minimum amount is really a grey area. I have helped someone creating an account with funding of only 500 sgd and that is ok too.​​​

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