facebookWhat is the cheapest brokerage to use in Singapore for US stocks? - Seedly



12 Jun 2020


General Investing

What is the cheapest brokerage to use in Singapore for US stocks?

Planning to hold the stocks for a long time (not for dividends but for growth)

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Hi Daniel, for tastyworks, do you transfer sgd to them and convert to usd after the monies is in tastyworks or exchange at the DBS remit? DBS remit exchange rate is quite bad.

Tastyworks has no brokerage fees for buying and selling of US stocks.(Just like robinhood)

Unlike Saxo it does not have custodian fees or inactivty fees either.

Tastyworks allows SG non-US residents to register for their brokerage.

DBS Remit can be used to wire money into tastyworks account. I have done it and it requires zero transaction fee. The FX rate is also extremely competitive for lumpsumps. Downside is only the fact that there is a USD 45 withdrawal fee in tastyworks.

Cheers on your investing Journey!​​​

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I agree with Hydroxide. FSMOne. I've been using it alot. So far so good. Quite reliable.

As my per transaction is usually around S$5,000 to S$10,000 I look for platform with the LOWEST minimum sales charge cus usually the 0.12% (DBS) of 5,000 is S$6 which will trigger the min amount instead which is S$10. (Some brokers minimum is S$25, etc)

For local SGX Market, I buy through DBS Vickers Cash Upfront (min sales charge S$10, CDP-account) and sell through FSMOne (min sales charge S$10).

  • DBS Sales Charge 0.12% (min S$10)
  • FSMOne Sales Charge 0.08% (min S$10)
    The reason why I dont use FSM to buy is mainly because FSM is custodian account which means that stocks bought on FSM will be held by FSM instead of my personal CDP account. And also, as I usually wont hit the min amount, the difference in the sales charge % is negligible. Thus I feel better to keep my stocks in CDP and can allow me to sell thru ANY PLATFORM. If its custodian, it can only be sold thru FSM and if the platform is down (I.e server problem), you cant sell your stocks.

However, as for US Stocks, since we are Singaporeans, we have no choice but to get custodian account cus we cant hold the stocks personally in CDP. Thus FSMOne is the best option for me.

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Hi there!

FSMone would be a great choice to invest in US Stocks. There is a sales charge of 0.08% (minimum fee of USD8) which is one of the lowest compared to other brokers. For reference, Saxo charges 0.06%.

SCB if you are in the "buy-and-hold" camp for dividend paying stocks, no custodian fees & no dividen...

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