facebookWhat is the average salary of a diploma holder at 28 years old? - Seedly


04 Jul 2022



What is the average salary of a diploma holder at 28 years old?

What is the average salary of a diploma holder at 28 years old?

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28 years old? No idea, but maybe I can share a little bit about my situation. All numbers will include CPF:


(21) 2020 - S$2,800 (fresh out of NS)

(22) 2021 - S$3,600 (eligible for weekend allowance)

(23) 2022 - S$3,700 (a S$96 raise is all I got)

(24) 2023 - S$5,000 (jumped job twice in 6 mths) + S$1,000 (tuition side huste)


You do need a degree to rise up the hierarchy, my current salary is almost the top for diploma band (my new job requires a degree cert, but I manage to vibe well with the COO and hiring managers, so got in with just diploma)


I am also taking part time degree at the side at NUS, going to Y3 soon, so that could be why they open one eye close one eye

It depends - what are your work experiences and industry you are in?


I am 29, diploma holder too and drawing ~8k in an MNC. I feel that the educational aspect diminishes once you have some working experiences and employers will generally be looking more on what you can do rather than focus on your qualifications.

As of 2021, on Seedly it is around $2,400 to $2,500 per month, as of your age it really depends on w...

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