facebookWhat is Manulife US REIT FX hedging policy? How far ahead are the projected dividends hedged, and what % of the projected dividends are hedged? How is this aligned with industry best practice? - Seedly


Shengshi Chiam, CFA

Personal Finance Lead at Endowus

09 Sep 2020



What is Manulife US REIT FX hedging policy? How far ahead are the projected dividends hedged, and what % of the projected dividends are hedged? How is this aligned with industry best practice?

AMA Manulife US REIT

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Carol Fong

09 Sep 2020

Head of Investor Relations at Manulife US REIT

We do not hedge the REIT's distributions. The REIT's distribution are declared in USD, which is the currency of the underlying cashflows.

Unitholders will have an option to elect to receive their dividends in either USD or SGD. For Unitholders who receive their distributions in SGD, these will be converted from USD to SGD based on spot rates.

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