Having a side hustle or part-time job when young allowed me to gain valuable experience about money and businesses.
It eventually led me to my first job after graduation as well which although was beyond my scope of studies but was related to the side hustle that I did.
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I was giving out flyers for $5 per X pieces, washing cars for $2 per car, been a kitchen helper/waiter at a family restaurant for $5/hour. There was once I was behind the fish section in the supermarket helping to prep fishes for customers. Giving out flyers was a bad experience, because you had to carry the huge chunk around and there were a few days it was door to door so it was difficult.
Other than that, it was fun most of the time.
I believe there are many more options now with gaming, youtube, tiktok, photog etc. where you can basically LEARN how to do a side-hustle. Back then, even if I wanted to, there wasn't enough material online.
Elijah Lee
10 Nov 2020
Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)
Hi anon,
I did testing for bus display boards around 18 years ago. Quite different from typical wor...
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