facebookWhat health supplements are worth investing in long term? Been thinking of getting fish oil maybe? For context I’m 25/F. Any suggestions? - Seedly


07 Sep 2020



What health supplements are worth investing in long term? Been thinking of getting fish oil maybe? For context I’m 25/F. Any suggestions?

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If you want to get the most out of your omega-3 supplements, it's best to go for organic omega fish oil supplements. These supplements are made from fish that are raised without the use of antibiotics, growth hormones, or synthetic fertilizers, which means they have fewer toxins and are safer to consume.

Omega-3 supplements are known to have numerous health benefits, including reducing inflammation, improving brain function, and lowering the risk of heart disease. As someone who takes omega-3 supplements to aid high blood pressure, I recommend Nature's Glory organic omega fish oil supplements. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your diet: https://www.natures-glory.com/collections/healt...


07 Sep 2020

Life Alchemist at School of Hard Knocks

1) I have been taking Omega-3 fish oil for years, but I don't feel much benefits so I stopped.

So far, the only supplement that has Omega-3 in it that my parents continue to take is Bausch & Lomb's Ocuvite 50+, because they experienced a positive effect for their dry eyes. In fact, my mom's light flashes in her eyes stopped occuring. However, when she stopped Ocuvite, they came back to haunt. Haha so yah loh, she must take it forever. 😝

We get it from US-based iHerb.com, which is much cheaper than in the stores here: https://sg.iherb.com/pr/Bausch-Lomb-Ocuvite-Adu...

2) Generally, for myself, I prefer to take multi-vitamins formulated especially for women.

However, as mentioned by Frankie, some vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, folic acid and copper, taken in isolated supplement form can do more harm than good.

So I'm taking the one called "Women's Daily" by Dr. Fuhrman. What I like is:

  • There is a part of this supplement derived from whole food

  • Dr. Fuhrman considered the research out there on vitamins and minerals and formulated one that "provides adequate levels of crucial nutrients that are missing or insufficient in even healthy diets", while avoiding harmful ingredients

  • Although I'm not a vegetarian, I regularly eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and less meat. Sometimes, I'll feel a bit low and irritable, plus tired. My body kindda signal to me that probably vitamin B12 is insufficient (not enough from my intake of meat), and ever since I took this multi-vit, I have less bouts of incidents like that.


As it's from the U.S. and shipping is costly (I'm also not a member), I will buy a year's supply when they have Black Friday's Sale 😁 It falls on 27 November this year. They don't have discounts throughout the year, so I'll wait for it.

3) I also supplement with Ganoderma. Since 2015, I've been taking it from this MLM called Shuang Hor. It's good for sleep, respiratory system and immunity. It also adjusts the hormones, so that my menses have regularity.


If there's a fire and I were to pick 1 to save, I'll grab my Ganoderma 😊 Because it's not just a supplement, it's a food too. A wonder worker!​​​

View 10 replies

I don’t recommend eating health supplements.....

1) it’s expensive
2) you won’t really know if it...

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