facebookWhat do you think might be the next big theme for investments, apart from the typical EV, Genomic, and Space? - Seedly



Slaving at Public Sector

16 Feb 2021


What do you think might be the next big theme for investments, apart from the typical EV, Genomic, and Space?

Apart from

  • EV
  • Genomic
  • Space

Discussion (8)

What are your thoughts?

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Here are some wacky ones I'm researching on:

  • Electric Aviation (short haul flights)

  • Agriculture

  • Blockchain

  • Energy Storage

  • Robotic Prosthetics

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Chris has already stated some great areas which I agree with, but here are some I'm keeping an eye on as well

  • Online Gaming and Gambling

  • Plant Based Meats

  • Insurtech

  • Streaming

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16 Feb 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

Some I'm looking into:

  1. Green energy (specifically solar and microgrids)

  2. Drones

  3. 3D-printi...

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