facebookWhat are your thoughts the Private Banking Industry Group launching a talent development initiative aimed at undergraduate students? Pros - experience, cons - exploit the traineeship scheme? - Seedly


10 Mar 2021



What are your thoughts the Private Banking Industry Group launching a talent development initiative aimed at undergraduate students? Pros - experience, cons - exploit the traineeship scheme?

PBIG in Singapore will be offering 200 undergraduate traineeship positions over the next three years to enhance the employability and job readiness.

There will be longer traineeship periods and they supporting financial institutions will benefit from a scheme that will fund 80 percent of the internship stipend, capped at S$1,000 ($750) per month, for each trainee.

Discussion (1)

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Hi Anon,

Before joining any company, it is always good to read up more about the industry, company and role that they are offering so that you will make a more informed choice. I believe that for every internship/program that you join, it will still benefit you as an undergraduate student as you get to be exposed more about the industry and company culture.

Everyone is struggling now due to the pandemic, perhaps you can re-assess what are your goals and interests as an undergraduate. And if that particular company/industry is what you are interested in, no harm in trying out the traineeship while earning an allowance :) All the best!

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