facebookWhat are the ways you practice self-compassion when it comes to financial savings, goals and budgets? - Seedly


13 Feb 2023


What are the ways you practice self-compassion when it comes to financial savings, goals and budgets?

24(F). I've always been the kind to be anxious about money. 60k saved up in investments in robo+cash (not including CPF).

For context, past couple of months have been quite tough. Broke up from a long term relationship since I was a teenager, and then got laid-off after. (I work in a tech-related job)

This month my mental health has been crap, resulting in me exceeding my own budgets. "I'm not going to make it in life anyway."

I exceeded my budgets by about 1.2k, which is a lot considering my monthly budget is frugal and only 50% of my salary, including rent.

But it is also not a lot, considering the grand scheme of life. But I'm having a hard time repeating that to myself but still feeling stress.

What are some ways you stop yourself from comparing to others? It feels like the goalposts keep moving.

I don't work a very well-paying job, but I am extremely diligent with budgeting. But I can't seem to celebrate my milestones and instead I get more stressed and compare myself to people on the internet.

Discussion (26)

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I think ultimately how much money you have or make, it cant be exchanged for tomorrow. Nothing is guranteed so please do live your life and take care of your mental health.

Ernest Yeam Wee Leong

25 Feb 2023

Content Creator at www.youtube.com/c/JustBeingErnest

I may not have the exact past experience as you but I did go through a period of feeling lost and not sure why I am doing what I am doing

Went to the point of feeling lost and aimless

Then when I realized that the aim was not to have as much money.

But to have money coming in so that I do not have to worry about money and able to have time to live my life that's when I found the true goal.

Taking a trip overseas and looking at how people are living their lives can give you a perspective on what it means to be living to work vs living to live life.

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I think it's great that you recognise it's affecting your mental health. Honestly not everybody go through life easily and you definitely deserve a pat on your back

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22 Feb 2023

Administrator at SG

U are who u are because of your experiences in life. Because of these experiences, you were able to cultivate good money habits. Be thankful for who u are.

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I think you need to accept yourself first, accepting that you have flaws and then wanting to change....

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