facebookWhat are the three most important qualities one should look for in a financial planner? - Seedly


19 Aug 2020



What are the three most important qualities one should look for in a financial planner?

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The car they drive, the watch they wear (+ points if its a Hublot), and the house they live in.

Shania Loh

19 Aug 2020

Seedly Student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly

Hi Anon!

Personally for me I think the most important qualities I look for in a financial advisor/planner is their trustworthiness, their relationship with you, and their creditability.

You would want to build a trusting relationship with your advisor such that he/she can understand you fully and you can have a transparent relationships between the two of you. Such a relationship is important as a financial advisor would be with you through every big milestone in your life (eg: buying a new car, a new child, etc). Think about such factors before you engage in any financial advisors. You may ask your friends for referrals too!

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Consistent, Ethical and Objective.

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