facebookWhat are the perks of cash management accounts (e.g. Stashaway Simple, Syfe Cash+, Endowus cash smart, etc) over a local bond ETF (e.g. A35, MBH)? - Seedly



13 Jun 2021

General Investing

What are the perks of cash management accounts (e.g. Stashaway Simple, Syfe Cash+, Endowus cash smart, etc) over a local bond ETF (e.g. A35, MBH)?

Felt that local bond ETFs could offer generally equal or better returns (2-3%) at a lower risk and expenses ratio (~0.25%) than cash management account, hence, not sure why many friends/community around me prefers the latter instead.

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Cash management accounts invest in money market funds, these consists of bonds that tend to be held through maturity rather than traded thus less likely to drop in value for the principal

while bond ETFs are held for yield and also traded by the fund which can crash in its own market

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