facebookWhat are the NASDAQ index funds available that you would recommend to purchase and why? - Seedly


02 Mar 2021


What are the NASDAQ index funds available that you would recommend to purchase and why?

Any NASDAQ index fund recommendations?

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Alexius Pooh

02 Mar 2021

APAC Business Consulting Intern at SWIFT

I assume from this question that you want viable alternatives to QQQ (the index fund that tracks the Nasdaq).

One viable alternative is to invest in the QQQJ. The Nasdaq index consists of 200 stocks, and QQQ invests in the top 100 by market capitalisation, whereas QQQJ invests in the bottom 100 by market capitalisation.

As these 100 stocks in the QQQJ are still large/large-medium cap companies, they are still relatively safe.

In additon, it has been statistically shown that smaller cap companies tend to outperform large cap companies over long periods of time as the small market capitalisation allows them to have large upsides.

Hope this helps!

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QQQM seems best.

there are also Nasdaq 100 ETFs

on the European stock markets.

No need for unit trusts.


02 Mar 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

QQQ is great, QQQM has a lower expense ratio but it kinda has less liquidity because not everyone kn...

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