facebookWhat are some of the factors you would consider when you are looking for a job? - Seedly


Vernice Ng

Community Manager at Seedly

26 Aug 2022



What are some of the factors you would consider when you are looking for a job?

In terms of growth, convenience (like work location), salary, environment, or any other factors? Which one is the most important to you? How would you rank those factors?

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(1) Remuneration (2) Stability of company (3) Work-life balance (4) Team - are they toxic, is boss a micromanager etc


02 Sep 2022

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

Now that I'm a parent, definitely work-life balance ranks at the top of my list. It's not just about being able to knock off promptly at 5.30pm every day; it's also about having a relatively manageable job so that I don't take the stresses of my job mentally back home. Parenting itself is a full-time job and I don't have the bandwidth to strategise about my work issues outside working hours. Neither do I want to because my Me time is already so limited.


My job is flexible in this regard, which is why I can post here to gain credits haha. There are many ways to get money, your job is just one way and shouldn't consume your entire life

I know money is always an important issue but no matter what I always try to prioritise job satisfac...

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