facebookWhat are some of the biggest misconceptions you think people have about content creators and influencers? How do you fight these misconceptions? - Seedly


10 Aug 2021


What are some of the biggest misconceptions you think people have about content creators and influencers? How do you fight these misconceptions?

Has it ever affected you getting gigs?

SeedlyTV: Side Hustling as a Content Creator

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Many think and look at them as idlers. But infact they are some of the fat wallets getting passive income.

Dan put this really well, especially with the distinction between CCs & influencers. To build on what he has shared, I want to add that for either cases, there is a common misconception that the work behind content creation / being an influencer (who creates content) is easy to do. While definitely not the most laborious, it takes time, effort, and practice to learn how to conceptualise the content/shoot, produce the content, and post-production work, . Most times these are done solo, unless CCs/influencers choose to outsource the work to a team.

The label "influencer" has, like Dan said, grown to have a negative connotation - hence why many influencers who create content deviate away from the term and choose to identify themselves as CCs instead.

Personally, I'm still considered a smaller (micro) CC/influencer compared to many other creators out there. How I "fight" these misconceptions apart from educating others on what goes on behind the scene, is merely to focus on learning to improve my craft and the content I put out. I believe stereotypes come with every industry and often there's not much you can do about it, except to prove yourself with your content. Apart from branded content, as a CC you have personal content you put out -- on top of constantly seeking improvement, have faith in the work you do.

The biggest misconception people have about content creators and influencers is that both terms are ...

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