facebookWhat are some lifestyle changes you can make in 2021 to improve your financial health? - Seedly


01 Jan 2021


What are some lifestyle changes you can make in 2021 to improve your financial health?

The new year is a fantastic time to review your financial strength, pore over your budget and make big plans for next year. No matter what your resolutions are, the key isn’t making the list, it’s sticking to it.

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01 Jan 2021

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

My 2021 goal is to develop a viable side hustle (rather than dwell on the fact that I’m always, always tired haha). So I resolve to get my blog diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com approved by Google Adsense this year. It’s a blog about my parenting reflections and how I want to instil Financial wellness in my toddler.

Yes, I know blogging pays peanuts but well, a man has got to start somewhere, right? 😆

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Shawn Lee

31 Dec 2020

Bachelor of Accountancy at Singapore Management University

In 2020, I began having an expense tracking spreadsheet, where I recorded where all my money is going to. That's when I realized the majority of my money is actually going towards food and drinks. I'm the kind of person that can eat more than 3 meals a day, and can't survive without bubble tea. Aside from that, I also buy a lot of snacks to put in my fridge so I can eat at un-earthly hours when I feel hungry.

So, the main lifestyle change I would make would be to firstly, go for cheaper food. When I was tracking my expenses, the average meal cost would be around $7-$8/meal. If I can decrease this amount to $4-$5, it would represent a 30-40% savings. Next, I would have to cut down on bubble tea as well. On average, I spend about $120 a month on bubble tea. If I can cut down to just 2 cups per week, it would be a massive amount of savings in terms of money and my health in future.

Can someone share with me how do you quit bubble tea? Been having a lot of trouble doing that haha :(​​​

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In 2019, I've started tracking my expenses and I highly recommend that. In 2020, I began doing month...

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