facebookWhat are some alternatives to POSB Savings, apart from DBS Multiplier? - Seedly


What are some alternatives to POSB Savings, apart from DBS Multiplier?

For reference, he has less than 50k in his savings and he is currently using POSB Savings.
Would switching to DBS Multiplier be good enough or are there better alternatives?

Discussion (10)

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Ang Yee Gary

21 Sep 2019

Medicine at National University Of Singapore

Open a poems account and u can purchase Phillips money market fund.
Interest rate is 1.3 per cent a year.

Angeline Teo

16 Sep 2019

Calculator at The Internet

1) CIMB FastSaver - Hassle-free to get a better high spending

2) DBS Multiplier - Easy to switch since it belongs to the same bank of his POSB Savings

3) OCBC 360 - more steps to take to get to the higher interest rate, but could be worth it.

These 3 are the best suited for someone interested to switch from POSB Savings.

Have a better return!

I would have previously recommended Citi Maxigain, but it seems that the minimum required amount has been bumped up.

For a no-frills savings account, CIMB Savings!

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I would recommend him to put most of his money in CIMB Fastsaver, which gives 1% fuss-free with a little bit at POSB Savings for cash he will use. Only transfer money from CIMB to POSB when require to withdraw.

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Temporary User

08 Sep 2019

I would say, put the amount that your father would want to save into CIMB Saving account. Leave the ...

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