facebookWhat are key skills or experience that I need in order to get paid well or rise up the ranks in the retail and e-commerce sector? I'm currently working in this sector and want to have a career here. - Seedly


Edited 24 Aug 2021


What are key skills or experience that I need in order to get paid well or rise up the ranks in the retail and e-commerce sector? I'm currently working in this sector and want to have a career here.

What do I need to do to build a solid foundation at the beginning and so that I'm able to excel in the long run?

SeedlyAMA Workforce Singapore

Discussion (2)

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New staff to this field of retail and ecommerce may have to straddle between both online and offline experiences and integrate the customer journey. They need to acquire skills in both digital and physical retail to excel in the future. There are a lot of Skillsfuture courses in digital marketing, e-commerce operations to help new entrants build up the foundation in these expertise.



25 Aug 2021

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

I think it would be helpful to indicate your dept / role in the company.

Are you doing BD? or Marketing? or Programmer? Granted there are sector-specific skillsets but I think what's more important is your role-specific and on top of that soft skills as well. Thus essentially, it can be categorised (not exhaustively nor exclusively) as follows:

Industry-relaed (irregardless of role)

Hard Skill

i.e. knowing the algorithm / how the industry operates

Soft Skill

i.e having a good relationship with your suppliers / clients

Job-related (irregardless of industry)

Hard Skill

i.e. Python languge (if you're a programmer) SEO-knowledge (if you're a marketing person)

Soft Skill

i.e. meticulous (if you're in finance)

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