facebook** Trust Bank Referral Code 5KVTKKUC - Get a scratch card worth up to $1000 + $5 cashback** - Seedly



30 Oct 2024

Promo Codes

** Trust Bank Referral Code 5KVTKKUC - Get a scratch card worth up to $1000 + $5 cashback**

Get a scratch card worth up to $1000 when u sign up for TRUST bank + $5 cashback via paynow​

Hi everyone!

Sign up for Trust Bank with my referral code for a scratch card worth $5–$1,000 and enjoy additional rewards! Steps:

Download the Trust Bank SG app from the App Store or Google Play. Select “Use referral code” upon opening the app, and enter: 5KVTKKUC

Complete the signup to receive your scratch card and other deals.

For each successful signup, I'll also send you a $5 cashback! Just message me on Telegram (@dinohippo) with a screenshot showing you applied the code.

Get a scratch card worth up to $1000 when u sign up for TRUST bank + $5 cashback via paynow

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Get a sure-win scratch card that guarantees you a minimum cashback of S$5, up to S$1,000! Simply download the Trust Bank SG App on the App Store or Google Play Store. Tap on “Get started” immediately after you start the app and key in:


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