facebookThis civil servant got the 0.1-month year-end bonus, is it a sign of an economic downturn? - Seedly


Nick Chiong

01 Jan 2020


This civil servant got the 0.1-month year-end bonus, is it a sign of an economic downturn?

Should I take this as a sign of a possible economic downturn in the near future? Especially since I'm working in this government sector. Does this mean that the government is expecting a downturn too?

Discussion (16)

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Man, looking back on this from 2021, we had no idea how bad the shit was going to hit the fan. Looks like the answer is YES TO THE POWER OF TEN

The Gov definitely will have a clearer macro view of Singapore economy (what goes up must come down, it’s pretty hard to predict the market. Lower bonus now could means we have more fund during rainy days, and gov can help intervene in times of need.

Long story short, yes. You won't get fired unless you're really underperforming, but the economy is not good. Generally the govt bonus sets a benchmark for bonuses in general in Singapore, and it's a sign the govt foresees difficulties ahead and a sign for companies to prep themselves for the tough times ahead

Gabriel Tham

23 Dec 2019

Tag Team Member at Kenichi Tag Team

I just think the government is trying to improve its public image.

When people in the private sector are getting retrenched and unemployed, the last thing they want to see is public sector getting fat bonuses. ​​​

No one can accurately predict an economic downturn. A low bonus from the government could have many ...

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