facebookTerm life vs whole life? I am in my mid 30s and am considering to get a life insurance. I understand there are 2 different types, term and whole life. Which is it better for me and why? - Seedly



15 Jan 2021


Term life vs whole life? I am in my mid 30s and am considering to get a life insurance. I understand there are 2 different types, term and whole life. Which is it better for me and why?

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Should buy whole life plan first if financially affordable. life plan covers death, TOD and early CI, the coverage is for life and it has cash value. Term insurance needs to add rider for CI. and no cash calue. Buy whole life plan first, then top up additional caoverage with term.

Life plan is a must to have, term is to enhance your current coverage as you might be at a more vulnerable stage. For example right now if youre 30 with parents and kids, you can consider buying 200k life plan, 500k term plan till you're 65. 35 years later, the 500k plan will wear off, but by then, you most probably will not have to take care of your parents, and your kids would have been of an independent age to fend for themselves as well.

but from now until 35 years later should anything were to happen to you, your loved ones will get 750k which is a substantial amount for them to get by.

Jonathan Soh

30 Jul 2020

Wealth Manager at Aviva Financial Advisers

Hi there. It seems like your focus is on death coverage. If so, I always say go for term. Term is mu...

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