facebookSwitching from US domiciled S&P500 ETF to Ireland domiciled equivalents - Seedly

Switching from US domiciled S&P500 ETF to Ireland domiciled equivalents

Hi all,

Context: breakeven between VOO and CSPX with monthly DCA is 10 years considering using Interactive brokers(IB) only.

let's say for example one starts to DCA monthly into VOO (For e.g) and some years down the road, there's a more cost effective method to DCA into Ireland domiciled equivalent ETF.

would it be wiser to
1. leave the shares invested in VOO over the years, start CSPX on the more cost effective method.
2. sell shares in VOO and combine all the capital gains into a new DCA for CSPX on the more cost effective method.
3. Amass 100k USD capital and continue using CSPX through IB to further reduce trading costs.

Discussion (8)

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Me too, i been heavily invested for 2 years in VOO. Wanting to switch to IBKR. I think as long as the amount invested in US domicile is less than 60k USD, you should let it continue to grow without selling. Unless profit margin is good. Just continue normal DCA into IBKR to buy CSPX. Unless there are too many accounts to manage, then its best to sell at a profit and transfer to IBKR

Nicholas Beh

08 Jul 2021

Student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly

Now that IBKR has removed the monthly minimum commission... it is undoubtedly more cost-effective to start off with Irish-domiciled ETFs.​​​

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Midterm switch, longterm IB...

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