Bought stocks but not sure when to sell it..
Discussion (13)
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Check if the financials of the company is improving.
Secondly enquire about the industries of the companies you have bought. Is the industry turning around? If yes, it is better to hold
Hi there,
There is no point holding onto it if it is a lousy stock. Cut it off fast and transfer the remaining into a better company will be the better idea.
Before that, evaluate why you bought into that stocks. If previously you do not have investing knowledge then how about now. If still do not have, please do get yourself equip with knowledge and skillset 1st before buying into the next one.
Another thing is that, what low can get even lower if it is a lousy stock.
Pang Zhe Liang
07 Dec 2019
Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd
Go back to your investment objective. Understand the reason why you are buying the stock.
Thereafter, understand the business of the stock now. Find out how much it has deviated from your previous notes.
If it is still a worthy business, then keep it. Otherwise sell.
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Its been more than a year since this question was posted. With the benefit of hindsight, i hope you ...
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