facebookStock market are rallying now. Just started working so i am still building emergency funds but FOMO is real right now. Will i miss out on this good opportunity? - Seedly


12 Nov 2020


General Investing

Stock market are rallying now. Just started working so i am still building emergency funds but FOMO is real right now. Will i miss out on this good opportunity?

Discussion (8)

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There will always be opportunities! Yes it's true sometimes the opportunities are larger but there will always be market crashes, corrections and opportunities thereafter in future...

If you have an active approach and know how to utilise different ways in the market, you can get high returns no matter which direction the market goes, up, down or sideways.

Kenneth Lou

12 Nov 2020

Co-founder at Seedly

Staying invested for the long term will be best.

However, do look out for opportunities in the stock market for cheaper/under-valued stocks (if you want to do more active trading)

Or if you want to go long, can put into an ETF/Robo when the overall market is down.

The market will always present you with opportunities, so best not to FOMO at all. Who is to know wh...

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