facebookStarted school part time (2 weeks in) while working full time. I feel like I'm in it just for the paper chase...? - Seedly



26 Oct 2020


Started school part time (2 weeks in) while working full time. I feel like I'm in it just for the paper chase...?

Feeling very sian because i feel like i am not interested/ am not 读书的料. However quitting now will make me feel like i wasted my money. I feel like I am just paper chasing. Sigh.
Worried about my future. Currently earning 3.5k as a 28 yo. Progression is slow at work. (Healthcare). No one wants to hire diploma grads (according to job portals).

Discussion (6)

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Knowledge and broadening of horizens, even if on paper, is good.

I appreciate nic dong advice. having worked for a while most private employers for normal median salary jobs do not really care what institution but the degree is a hr / company wide requirement. so jus complete it

Nic Dong

26 Oct 2020

banking and finance at murdoch university

In a similar situation a few years ago, but much worse condition. Working a full time job which only paid me $2400 at age 25, study part time studies at a private institution doing distance learning. Almost everyone around me said it was a stupid choice to study that uni because it was too common and low ranking ,and that hiring managers will simply throw my application. Fast forward to today, happy that I completed the programme and living a good life now, much better than all of those who think that I made a wrong choice back then. So, cheer up! Finish it and see how you can progress from there!

Been through that and have second thoughts too. But I'm going back to that life again for Masters. I think it is worth it, at least get the paper, and who knows next time you might use it, and have the entry ticket for some opportunities . I think uni is a good platform to network, who knows they might introduce you opening for your next jump, or be your future business partners or buddy for life. If you halfway in already, just finish it lo. 不然白忙一场空, if dropout from Harvard nervermind lah.

Hi, im going to share my point of view. I juggle work and school for 4 years with a salary range fro...

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