facebookStarted my new job in Dec 2023. Extended my probation in March, but have not been smooth. Highly possibility that I will fail my probation. I still interested in this current role. Any advise? - Seedly



11 Apr 2024


Started my new job in Dec 2023. Extended my probation in March, but have not been smooth. Highly possibility that I will fail my probation. I still interested in this current role. Any advise?

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Try to talk to your supervisor about where you can improve, and try your best to fulfil expectations.

Start looking out and having a plan B in case you still fail your probation.

Openly communicate with your superior to find out the cause of extending probation, if not, just move on to look for other job

1st is don't aim to fail, give your best. Talk to your reporting officer and assess the areas you can work on, take actions - put in time n effort to master what you need to do. Humbly check in with your reporting officer if you are unsure. Who knows, you may be able to overcome this challenge?

It's difficult to give a negative feedback too. Every boss who hires you wants you to do well so it looks good on him/her.

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That why I said before an acceptance for the job better ask properly . Trust me if your supervisor s...

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