facebookSign up Trust with the Trust Bank referral code WNBZK5U6 now! - Seedly


soh xiafeng

Edited 25 Sep 2022

Promo Codes

Sign up Trust with the Trust Bank referral code WNBZK5U6 now!

Join Trust Bank today and get up to S$35 vouchers when you register and transact with Trust! You get to save at high returns and earn unlimited rewards for every spend. Check out Trust Bank Official Website for more information. Hurry up before promotion ends.

Also stand to earn high interest with your money and high liquidity by signing up for Trust Card. More information at Trust Bank Credit Card

To sign up, download it from Play Store or App Store

Other referral program:



Singtel Dash

Discussion (18)

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Hi all, sharing latest referral code for trust bank


Other referral codes available at linktr.ee/wfsw

Get $12+25 using my referral code. Simply download the Trust Bank SG App on the App Store or Google Play Store. Tap on “Use referral code” immediately after you start the app and key in: U7NQQAY2

**Get Paynow $2 from me if my code is used!

Email : [email protected] after you signed-up!

Once you have downloaded Trust Bank app and set-up account, get immediately a $10 fairprice vcher and also a $25 Fairprice voucher after first use of your card!! Email me for quick hack on this ;)

Total $37 worth!! Great deal!

And a few other specials - Free Kopi+Toast set, $2 off Starbux, KFC discounts & 1-for-1, Burger King offers, Collins grill vchers, Esso fuel discount!, etc.... 🥳🥳 So worth it!!

Hi all, sharing Trust Bank referral code.


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