I understand if CPF OA is used to pay for purchase of a property; then on the sale of that property there is the requirement to repay amount used plus interest - does anyone know the rationale for that requirement.
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Elijah Lee
20 Nov 2019
Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)
Pang Zhe Liang
20 Nov 2019
Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd
The main objective of the monies in your CPF Ordinary Account is for your retirement. In order not to jeopardise your retirement, CPF Board decided to impose this rule.
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Hi Kelly,
CPF money is meant to help fund our housing, medical and retirement needs. The interest rates are also relatively attractive.
Hence, if you use OA money to purchase a property, you are losing 2.5% on interest payments by the government which would have been paid to you had you not used your OA for a house.
Remember that OA is the backup to help you form your RA should SA prove to be insufficient.
Hence, in line with the purpose of our CPF money having to grow for it to be a meaningful retirement fund, we would have to pay ourselves the interest for the CPF money we have use if we sell off our property with a gain.
Thus, the rule on accrued interest coming into play.