facebookQuestion from community: WWYD when your money out is more than money In. You've cut back on everything possible & need to increase your money in. How? - Seedly

Vernice Ng

Community Manager at Seedly

14 Sep 2022

Saving Hacks

Question from community: WWYD when your money out is more than money In. You've cut back on everything possible & need to increase your money in. How?

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If it is due to medical expenses or low income, can apply for subsidies from government.

If due to wants more than needs e.g. drink bubble tea, Starbucks, take cab because dun like to squeeze in bus or MRT, it's time to cut back.

Javier Tan Yan Kai

18 Sep 2022

Actuarial Analyst at AIA

Good to try and learn about the concept of budgeting, delayed gratification, find ur talent and monetize it

Try budgeting! I personally use the Wallet app, and it helps me see what is in the "money out".

Then, figure out ways to pick up some jobs to increase "money in".

Frankly, I struggle with this too, and it's not because I'm spending on frivolous things but because i'm a family caregiver to my mum who has an unexpected long term medical condition. I have no good answers to this as I am also trying to figure things out, but we have even resorted to recycling our cardboard boxes that come with online purchases, doing random surveys, and maxing out sign up/referral bonuses. sounds silly but we have been able to cash out as ntuc vouchers and whatnot to offset our groceries. It's not exactly more money in, but just more savings. Won't really help with the getting more money in part, but it slows down the rate at which my savings is eroding.

If you've really cut back on everything possible, then there's only one conclusion, you are earning ...

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