facebook[PANEL] Robo Wars: Choosing the Best Robo-Advisors in Singapore. What’s your question? - Seedly


Clara Ng

Community Manager at Seedly

17 Apr 2021


[PANEL] Robo Wars: Choosing the Best Robo-Advisors in Singapore. What’s your question?

By Dhruv Arora, Founder & CEO, Syfe
and Samuel Rhee, Founding Partner, Chairman & CIO, Endowus
and Amanda Ong, Country Manager, StashAway
and Kelvin Goh, Head, Wealth Advisory, OCBC Bank
(Moderated by Kenneth Lou, Co-Founder & CEO, Seedly)

  • How did Robo-advisors perform during COVID-19?
  • How much do you need to start investing with a Robo-advisor?
  • Which Robo-advisor should you choose?

Ask your questions by clicking “Answer Now” to post your question.
Remember to be as specific as possible!

Discussion (15)

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What are the thoughts on diversifying between robo advisors, rather than concentration one one?

For someone who with high risk appetite, long investment time frame and is looking for growth, what is the recommended time frame for the funds parked in your respective portfolio?

  • Syfe Equity 100

  • Stashaway 36% risk

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As a freshie retail investor who managing his own portfolio of REITS, Stocks(3 local ; 3 NYSE) for 2 months; and planning to buy ETF.

Is it worth it to still start robo-advisor? If yes, how can robo-advisor help or leverage his investing portfolio in the long run?

Looking from a 5-10years return from today.


1. Are the fees too high?

Even 0.5% is considered high. Many index ETFs I can buy in the US have TER of ~0.1% or less.

If it's for the transactions and rebalancing, those index ETFs are doing something similar, and they do it every day instead of occasionally. What are the robo-advisors doing that justify the 5-10x of the fees?

If it's for the advices, it shouldn't scale with the AUM, especially when it's somewhat passive, like just buying a couple of ETFs/funds and rebalancing annually. Imagine paying 5-10k per year for 1m invested, and getting the same advices that someone who've invested 10k would get for just 50-100 dollars.

2. Tax-efficiency and currency hedge

I know there are researches showing that currency hedge might not be necessary. I would love to hear your views on that.

Furthermore, tax-efficiency seems important. A lot of SG investors are buying Irish-domiciled ETFs for lower dividend withholding tax. Why are the majority of the robo-advisors buying US ETFs?​​​

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Having started my journey in Robo-Advisors(Stashaway/Syfe) since last year, I'm really impressed wit...

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