facebookOpen TD Ameritrade account, option to choose is Individual: Margin? The other two options are Joint and Corporate account. Is there a cash account? How is their customer service? Or any recommendation? - Seedly



22 Aug 2020

General Investing

Open TD Ameritrade account, option to choose is Individual: Margin? The other two options are Joint and Corporate account. Is there a cash account? How is their customer service? Or any recommendation?

Margin account permits investor to borrow funds right? I want to use my own cash, but what will a margin account means? How do I avoid all these and ensure correct when buying?

How is the exchange rate? Any conversion fee? Usually do you allow TD to convert for you or how do you transfer USD?

How is their customer service if you have one? Their reviews are not so good on google and fb though. Any recommendation for brokerage us market?

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User of TD here.

margin is their equivalent of cash account. you have to deposit money first before able to start trading. "margin" means if you deposited $1000, you are able to buy (maybe) $5000 worth of stocks. But if you utilised the full $5000 and should share prices fall, you have to top up (ie margin call). So, technically you can still treat it as a cash account, but limit what you buy (you can see how much cash you have under "cash and sweep" in the platform).

I think so far TD only allows SGD deposits whether in bank transfer or in cheque. Not sure if they allow USD deposits.

So far their customer service is ok. emails are replied around 3 working days. they are unlike SG brokers who will send you daily trade ideas. You also won't be able to call your TD broker and ask for analyst reports. No such services from TD. Other than that, corporate actions, etc are usually on time.

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