Some info: Wife's a non-sc.
So i was reading this ( ) article. It states that the SC and the non-sc/non-pr spouse will be able to get both the Single Grants($25k) AND the EHG (Singles) Grant (up to $40k). So total is up to $65k?
Can verify this is true? Because I was reading on moneysmart and it didn't state so.
Also, will be be able to get the family grant? Any other grants that we will be eligible for?
Discussion (3)
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27 Oct 2020
Salaryman at some company
Since you are a citizen, you should be eligible for many of those schemes. Gather a list of schemes you know you will be eligible for if your spouse is a citizen and book an appointment with HDB to clarify if each of the schemes is actually applicable to you.
Update: Before looking up the grants, take a look at: first
Best is to give CPF/HDB a call, where you can get personalised advice.βββ...
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Very simple. GO to the HDB Resale Portal.
Key in your name and your spouse name under the intent to buy.
Key your spouse name as an occupier.
After everything is done. in the summary, page they will show you what are the grants eligible.
Something like this: