facebookMy partner and I are both working and intend to BTO. But we worry that once one of us goes back to university for further education, we won’t have enough for the last 15% of downpayment. Advice? - Seedly


31 May 2023


My partner and I are both working and intend to BTO. But we worry that once one of us goes back to university for further education, we won’t have enough for the last 15% of downpayment. Advice?

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Plan ahead of time. There needs to be give and take. BTO is still the best option for a new house.

Do your financial planning first and see if your budget is enough.

Gerann Ngiam 严俊杰

12 Jun 2023

Senior Financial Consultant at Prudential

If you and your partner are concerned about having enough funds for the downpayment on your BTO (Build-To-Order) flat in Singapore, here are a few suggestions:

  1. Plan and Budget: Start by creating a comprehensive budget that takes into account your current income, expenses, and savings goals. Analyze your cash flow to identify areas where you can potentially save or reduce expenses. This will help you determine how much you can set aside for the downpayment.
  2. Explore Financing Options: Look into various financing options available to assist with the downpayment. One option is the HDB Loan, which allows you to finance up to 90% of the purchase price. Alternatively, you can consider obtaining a bank loan, which may offer a higher loan amount. Research the eligibility criteria and terms for each option to understand what best suits your needs.
  3. Plan for Education Expenses: If one of you intends to go back to university for further education, it's crucial to plan and budget for those expenses as well. Consider the cost of tuition fees, living expenses, and any potential loss of income during the period of study. Explore scholarship or financial aid options that could help alleviate the financial burden.
  4. Save and Invest Wisely: Make a concerted effort to save and invest your money effectively to maximize your returns. Consider putting your savings into low-risk investments, such as fixed deposits or government bonds, to preserve capital for the downpayment. Additionally, explore investment options that offer higher potential returns over the long term, but be sure to assess the associated risks.
  5. Seek Financial Assistance: Depending on your circumstances, you may be eligible for financial assistance programs offered by the government or relevant institutions. Explore options such as the CPF Housing Grant or Study Loans for higher education. Research and apply for grants or scholarships that can help alleviate the financial burden during this period.
  6. Delay the BTO Application: If the financial constraints are significant, you may consider delaying your BTO application until you have accumulated enough funds for the downpayment. This will give you more time to save and plan for your education expenses while ensuring that you are financially ready for homeownership.

Remember to consult with financial advisors, HDB representatives, and relevant government agencies to obtain personalized advice based on your specific circumstances. They can provide insights into the available options, eligibility criteria, and assist you in making informed decisions to achieve your homeownership goals while managing educational expenses.

Just dont do expensive banquet will do. All problem

Kylie Ng Kai Li

11 Jun 2023

Senior Premier Consultant at AIA Insurance Pte Ltd

The down payment is split into 2 parts.

First 7.5% + stamp duties etc is within 6 months after you ...

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