facebookMy agent advised me to invest my CPF OA money into AIA funds? Am I better off keeping my money in CPF OA or invest them into AIA recommended funds? - Seedly



18 Apr 2019


My agent advised me to invest my CPF OA money into AIA funds? Am I better off keeping my money in CPF OA or invest them into AIA recommended funds?

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Can the aia recommended funds perform better than 2.5% pa in the long-run? Also, how comfortable are you with losing your capital? If aia funds can perform better than cpf, capital gauranteed or you are able to tolerate some losses short-term for greater long-term gains, then can consider the aia funds...

There is no guarantee in the returns % for any investments. It also depends a lot on how prudent your agent / yourself to monitor the trends. Otherwise, you may end up like me, making in a loss in my very first CPF investment due to me being a total noob in investment and do not know how to monitor and watch out for trends, and rely solely on my agent cum friend, who turns out to "hit & run" after I invested, Luckily for me, the invested amount is not much as I just started work for few years, and I sold off the funds before all my capital gone into the drain. For this case, it may have been better if I just leave my money in OA earning the 2.5% interest,

Why AIA funds? What is the track record? I hope you understand that also means there is no guarantee that it will earn more than CPF's interest...

Hannah Foo

14 Jun 2018

Manager at JTC

According to recent studies, 69% of those who use their CPF money to invest earn more than the OA interest rate of 2.5%. If you don't want to take the risk and fall into the 31% of people who earn less than 2.5%, I'll say it's better to leave the money in CPF :)

Your agent got guaranteed black and white the AIA funds will give you better than CPF OA returns con...

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