facebookMid-Career Change to a Property Agent with the vision for an own agency - Seedly


Edited 08 Aug 2022


Mid-Career Change to a Property Agent with the vision for an own agency

I am reaching my 50s and had been working in an corporate environment holding various levels of appointments locally and overseas (mostly in senior management position) in my journey, thus far. Frankly, the journey has been enriching with the business dynamics ever evolving, which I find positively challeging.

However, with age catching up and having garnered the experiences from starting a business to, develping, sustaining and even concluding the life cycles of some businesses, I am starting to think about defining the next phase of my life journey.

Working in the private sector has been a blessing for me and was lucky to have an enabling company that allowed me to discover and develop my potentials in my career over the years (had been with same company for over 20 yrs after graduating from uni).

Nevertheless, having witness cultural and priorities changes when the baton of power (at business ownership level) is passed from a generation to another, resonating, keeping-up and adjusting to potentially changes does cast some doubts ahead. So the given circumstences sparked off a question of: Is there a better and more meaningful journey foward?

Reflecting on past personal experiences, I had the opportunities to be directly and indirectly involved in the sales and purchase of about 10 properties for myself, family members and friends. I found those experiences both satisfying and enriching as I discover the intrinsic and extrincsic motivations deriving from each successful completion.

Having read and watched inspiring entreprenuers' stories such as Propnex's Mr Ismail Gafoor, and also the extraordinary journey of Property Lim Brothers, got me thinking about the possibility and feasibility of the prospect of becoming a property agent with a vision to own and run an agency towards, hopefully, a fufilling legacy in my silver years. Of course success is never a given and the relevant ingredients will define the outcome.

Appreciate if any members can share advises, insights and experiences.

Thank you very much!

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08 Aug 2022

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

Really well written out thought-process! I believe you've got the right mindset to get started in this next journey.

I guess the only thing you have to be prepped for would be rejection. Having been involved in the sales and purchase for yourself, your family members and friends were all transactions that were deemed to go through. But should you decide to embark on this property agent journey where you now become the middleman, you thus have to adopt and develop the mental strength to stomach rejections and accept it as a part and parcel of the role.

You've definitely got my support and if you ever embark on this route, always remember your initial motivations for doing so. Keep that spark in you burning :)

View 1 replies
  • Seem you had done pretty well over the years and had accomplished lot of stuff.
  • You may try it out. It will be a cherry on top of a cake.
  • If you are successful you get a cherry, else you will still have a cake.
  • if you dont mind to get your hand dirty and do thing yourself at the beginning, entreprenuership is for you.
  • Getting a cilent is always the most difficult, because you are the brand. You have to make yourself different from other agent.

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