Hi, if you are investing in equities, ETF, and UTs, I would not classify that as low risk. Once you are exposed to the market, you will be subjected to the movements of the market.
One way to look at it, is to achieve low risk across your entire portfolio. This would mean that you need to deploy over various asset classes, ranging from zero risk to mid-high risk. Your asset allocation is the key to achieving the overall risk profile you are looking at. Bear in mind that your objectives for investing this money will also play a part in deciding your allocation and time horizon.
A sampling of investments you can consider are
1) Short term endowments: There are some endowments that offer around 2.3% p.a. guaranteed over 3 years, which is better than SSB or FD
2) Start an annuity for withdrawal at a later age if you have the time horizon
3) Low risk bond fund for preservation
4) Balanced UTs for growth
5) Defensive equities for moderate growth
Also, look at adding on to your investments regularly to build them over time.
It would be best to sit down with an independent advisor like myself to look at all options before executing, as a proper strategy and foundation is important to ensure that your concerns are addressed and your risks are minimized.
Hi, if you are investing in equities, ETF, and UTs, I would not classify that as low risk. Once you are exposed to the market, you will be subjected to the movements of the market.
One way to look at it, is to achieve low risk across your entire portfolio. This would mean that you need to deploy over various asset classes, ranging from zero risk to mid-high risk. Your asset allocation is the key to achieving the overall risk profile you are looking at. Bear in mind that your objectives for investing this money will also play a part in deciding your allocation and time horizon.
A sampling of investments you can consider are
1) Short term endowments: There are some endowments that offer around 2.3% p.a. guaranteed over 3 years, which is better than SSB or FD
2) Start an annuity for withdrawal at a later age if you have the time horizon
3) Low risk bond fund for preservation
4) Balanced UTs for growth
5) Defensive equities for moderate growth
Also, look at adding on to your investments regularly to build them over time.
It would be best to sit down with an independent advisor like myself to look at all options before executing, as a proper strategy and foundation is important to ensure that your concerns are addressed and your risks are minimized.