facebookLooking for IT courses to spend my skillsfuture credits on, and wanted to ask if anyone has taken courses from Heicoders, and how you found it? - Seedly



Edited 19 Dec 2023


Looking for IT courses to spend my skillsfuture credits on, and wanted to ask if anyone has taken courses from Heicoders, and how you found it?

I am 30 this year, and am in accounting. Looking to pick up potentially the software engineering nanodegree to upskill, and even possibly career transition. The work hours in accounting is just too mad, and the progression is kinda slow...

course in question: https://heicodersacademy.com/SE100-responsive-w...

Discussion (2)

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I sat through their programme under instructor Yu Long and felt that lessons were too challenging and dry.

I recommend you check out General Assembly if you can commit to a full-time programme, or Vertical Institute for shorter-term courses that can use your SkillsFuture Credits.

Hi, i didn't take the SWE course, but I was one of the pioneer batch for the AI course.

  • Content was good and well structured
  • I was lucky because my instructor was really good. To the point, she referred each of the students that took her class for roles in the data industry. Quite a number of us gotten jobs cause of her
  • But bear in mind this was when they were relatively new, not sure if they still do it for students, you should probably dyor
  • Aside from Heicoder's course, I also went on to take https://pe.gatech.edu/degrees/analytics at the recommendation of my instructor, and I found it helpful in my career progression as a data scientist

Good luck buddy hope that helps!

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