facebookIShares Hang Seng TECH ETF versus Lion-OCBC Securities Hang Seng Tech ETF - keen to hear advice which to enter, thanks! - Seedly


02 Oct 2021

General Investing

IShares Hang Seng TECH ETF versus Lion-OCBC Securities Hang Seng Tech ETF - keen to hear advice which to enter, thanks!

Hello! Would like to hear views about these 2 ETFs, what are the charges/ costs of entering into respective ETF - which would be better?

Also, for Lion-OCBC securities hang seng - should I choose SG or USD one?


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The bulk of the fees will be your brokerage charges and the exchange clearing fees. also depends your strategy whether lump sum or monthly DCA, there is minimum 10 shares for SGX and 100 shares for HKSE. does your DCA amount able to buy 1 lot? personally i do not monthly DCA Asian listed stocks/ETF due to high brokerage fees.

next, expense ratio. ishares is lower (0.25%) vs Lion (0.45%), meaning all things being equal, ishares will have higher returns. but then these two are not exactly identical.

both have same benchmark but the percentage of underlying holdins are slightly different. the quoted currency is different. anyway, 0.45% expense ratio is not at all bad. it is efficient in my view. not as though it is like traditional unit trust with 2% expense ratio.

if i just have to pick between these two, i will pick lion because of SGD. because it is really a pain for me to maintain a multi currency account just for the purpose of trading.

hope this helps.

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