facebookIs the graduate salary guide accurate? - Seedly


03 Mar 2023


Is the graduate salary guide accurate?

Discussion (32)

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It is not accurate as the survey is not from a 100% response rate. Most of the time, only those we are earning well will response to those surveys. Many who did not get a good starting pay just ignored those surveys. So naturally you get an inflated results on the salary guide.

The graduate salary guide can provide a rough estimate of the salary range for entry-level positions in Singapore, but it may not be completely accurate or applicable to every industry or job type.

The salary ranges in the guide are usually based on surveys and data from various sources, such as recruitment agencies and job portals. However, it's important to keep in mind that salary ranges can vary widely depending on factors such as the industry, company size, job scope, and individual qualifications and experience.

Additionally, the job market and economic conditions can also impact salary ranges and job opportunities. For example, during a recession or economic downturn, it's common for employers to offer lower salaries or reduce hiring.

Therefore, while the graduate salary guide can be a useful resource for job seekers to gauge the general salary range for their field, it's important to conduct further research and gather information from multiple sources, such as job postings and industry reports, to get a more accurate picture of the job market and salary expectations.

Conclusion: It should give you an idea, but there are so many different factors involved, so there is no such thing as an 'accurate' salary guide. It's as 'accurate' as it can be.

Recently talked to my friends' kids as well as a HR practitioner, the figures seem inflated.

I think many people here think it's not accurate because they can't bear to think that they are the outliers... My opinion is that even if it's not 100% accurate, it's a good estimate, and I'd rather trust some data than anecdotal

Hahah it is definitely not 100% accurate. it doesnt interview everyone, only selected and sometimes ...

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