facebookIs it wrong if i buy myself clothes? I feel guilty for buying when i have a lot of them already but i can't help myself. - Seedly


11 Dec 2022


Is it wrong if i buy myself clothes? I feel guilty for buying when i have a lot of them already but i can't help myself.

I have already set aside savings and investments so the money in my bank account is for my expenses but i can't help but feel guilty still! what should i do:(

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It's normal to feel guilty esp if you are tracking your expenses. Maybe limit to a certain number of pieces/ budget each month. regularly clean your closet to see what kind of clothes you have (sometimes you are just buying the same styles).

Sometime is hard to fight the temptation. My weakest are fast food & all the unhealthy food 😆.

Is alright to feel guilty, becoz it let you think twice before spending. I sometime feel it too. Because we all love money. Becoz is our 血汗钱.

You will only not feel guilty when u spend on someone you love. Because u love them more than money.

To have self control, u must first feel gulity. You will accumulate lot of money in the future. So stay guilty😆


Edited 11 Dec 2022

Mechanical Engineering at Nanyang Technological University

Maybe you can first ask yourself what are you actually buying it for? Is it more of making yourself ...

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