facebookIs it possible to get a Credit Card if you just miss the 30K minimum for one? Is it worth it getting one, are the cashbacks worth it, is there interest? - Seedly



28 Jun 2024


Credit Cards

Is it possible to get a Credit Card if you just miss the 30K minimum for one? Is it worth it getting one, are the cashbacks worth it, is there interest?

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Personally, it will either be the person contacting you directly for further clarification or, contact already and it's a no go

I don't think the $30k minimum income is a hard requirement, think you can just give it a shot and see if they approves it.


So long you pay on time, there's no interest on payments - there might be annual card fees depending on which card you go for though.

Just try. If successfully, make sure you pay bill on time.

It is difficult to get a credit card with lower annual income criteria, but I think some banks allow...

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