I recently just got a call from the HR telling me about the job offer and explaining to me the benefits. It was my first full time job so I was kinda excited. At the end of the call, he sternly asked if I accepting this job offer. And I said yes.
Does that mean that I have accepted the job offer with the full salary and benefit package? Is it too late to still nego for a higher salary? I’m afraid it might reflect badly on me to nego after verbally accepting. Thou I am keen to join this compam
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05 May 2021
Founder at
Hi Anon,
I don't think it's necessarily wrong to want to negotiate your salary/benefits in a more formal setting since you probably didn't really get a chance to on the phone.
Perhaps you could ask them if there will be a formal meeting to sign the papers. Tell that you would like to better understand the package that you are entitled to and want to find out if there is further room for negotiation.
If you're afraid to do so, maybe you can ask about career progression and pay increments instead. Ask things like what it would take for you to get a pay raise and a promotion (ie deliverables, skill developments) and what the company's protocols are like. Let your performance and actions over the next year or so do the talking and constantly ask for pointers on how you can value add to the company and do them as best as you can.
All the best & congrats on landing a job!
You should probably call them or let them know you intend to accept the offer but only after an actu...
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Personal Experience: When you have not signed anything, you're still open to all opportunities/choices. The HR wants "assurance" so that he/she might not need to hunt for more candidates.
Personally, I don't see a problem with speaking up to the HR and check for a possibility of a negotiation.
Hope things goes well for you