facebookIs it ok to take a career break of 6 months or more for mental wellness or is that a red flag to prospective employers? - Seedly



31 May 2024


Is it ok to take a career break of 6 months or more for mental wellness or is that a red flag to prospective employers?

Not sure how future employers will view the reason of taking break for better mental wellbeing.

Discussion (19)

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Good to take a break whenever you think it is necessary as it will refresh yourself to prepare for the next chapter

It is ok to have a break for mental wellness, health is wealth.

You could say its to spend time with parents/kids. if you can afford it, would be good to take a break and reset

Nothing wrong at all. Life is short, don't torture yourself over this. Short answer: Not all employers will look at this unfavourably, and you'd likely want to avoid those that do anyway.

From one human being to another, I recommend focusing on these for a start:

(1) Ensuring you have sufficient funds to support yourself and your loved ones during this period, and

(2) Do up a plan of action before you enter this period, be it upskilling courses or certain wellness goals.

More poetically, 休息是为了走更长的路 (getting sufficient rest is necessary for going far).

Work for 20 years and hope to take a break but got kids to feed...

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