facebookIs it a good time to buy ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund now? - Seedly


Is it a good time to buy ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund now?

ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund have been dropping, good time to buy now?

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Alexius Pooh

02 Mar 2021

APAC Business Consulting Intern at SWIFT

Warren Buffet in his most recent shareholders' annual letter wrote that "In certain large and important countries, such as Germany and Japan, investors earn a negative return on trillions of dollars of sovereign debt. Fixed-income investors worldwide – whether pension funds, insurance companies or retirees – face a bleak future."

Beyond just him, many other large influential figures in Finance have discouraged the use of bonds as an investment vehicle.

Since bond yields (or interest rates) on Singapore bonds generally follow the trend set by America, and given that the Federal Reserve in America is committed to low interests rates, you can expect Singapore bonds to pay lower and lower bond yields.

As yields on these bonds keep going down, you recieve less and less income, while inflation continues on an upward trend. This would leave you with a diminishing real return on your capital that's invested.

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